Industrial Development
updated: 2018-03-10 ??views: ?? ??font-size:【big middle small

We have been supporting economy growth through industrial development for the past several years. On the one hand, we have been upgrading traditional industries; on the other hand, we have been targeting our efforts at the cultivation and development of strategic and emerging industries, forming a "4+3" emerging industry development landscape which consists on the one hand of new energy, energy efficiency and environmental protection, electronic information and advanced equipment, and on the other hand of new energy automobiles, ocean industry and aviation equipment. In addition, a new industry system of green and low-carbon circulation has taken shape. Since this year, we have begun our arrangement for the implementation of the Ten Major Projects of industry innovation, which cover the areas of automobile, new energy automobile, environmental protecting technology, ocean economy, clean energy, big data, intelligent terminal, aviation, new metal materials and health. The projects, with a total investment of RMB 170,000,000,000, are being carried out by us in accordance with the requirements of green development and innovative development. Also, the implementation of the projects is an active response to the "Made in China 2025" strategic deployment and the "Internet+" action plan. In addition to the ten projects, we are leading the industry transformation and upgrading, and accelerating the process through which the current industries will be upgraded into mediate or high level industries. Gross regional products of the city exceeded 421.25 billion RMB, and the general public budget revenue reached 47.75 billion RMB. The two numbers ranked the 15th and the 9th compared with domestic municipalities of the same category.

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