Shanghai-Yancheng Railway Capacity Increases
updated: 2024-04-17 ??views: ?? source: 盐阜大众报??font-size:【big middle small

In order to meet the requirement of increasing passenger and freight transport, the Yangtze River Delta Railway will implement the second quarter train operation map from April 11. The new map further improves and adjusts the passenger and freight train operation structure, adds 1 pair of passenger trains, adjusts 1 pair of passenger trains, and adds 6 pairs of freight trains. The new map effectively uses the current resources and adds 2 collinear freight trains, to further improves the transport efficiency, reduces the transport cost, meets more cargo transport needs, better undertakes the “multimodal transport” volume, and contributes to the green and low-carbon development.

Tips from railway department: after the implementation of the new train operation map, the majority of passengers and cargo owners should pay attention to the announcement of station or the 12306 website (passenger transport) and 95306 website (freight transport)  in time to plan and arrange passenger and freight trips in advance.